New name who this?

Upgrade your performance

Read Time: 2 min

Hey there - it's Emily 👋

I have been silent for a few weeks and putting a pause because I’ve been working hard on something in the background.

The exciting announcement is finally here: this newsletter is getting a makeover.

Your inbox is getting a major upgrade!

Founder in Flow is expanding! Joining me will be Dr. Matthew Jones, a cofounder coach and licensed psychologist.

Together, we will continue sharing high-quality insights into your inbox with a twist.

The Twist: A New Intention

Working in partnership fuels me.

While I enjoy growing my coaching business working with founders and investors looking to improve their energy management, collaborating with driven individuals who share my passion for entrepreneurship excites me about making an even larger impact.

To that end, Dr. Matt and I are re-imagining Founder in Flow to become a vehicle for delivering uncomfortable truths about leadership to venture capital firms, accelerators, and incubators.

We will debunk cultural myths, push back on unhelpful one-size-fits-all advice, and teach founders how to drive holistic high performance.

We Are Rebels

The truth is, most of the advice you read online is wrong.

Not only is it wrong, it serves to distract you from what matters most: discovering how YOU are your biggest bottleneck.

At Founder in Flow we want you to discover you can’t outperform your identity.

Your identity must scale at the same rate as your company for you to be an impactful leader.

And we’re here to help.

Don’t Miss our Next Event December 15th 1PM EST!

Join us if you missed our last joint presentation, Mental Fitness Masterclass: Enhance Your Entrepreneurial Performance.


  • 12/15 1pm ET

  • 1 hour

  • Free (usually $30-50/seat)

  • Free resource Included

What To Expect

Plan to hear from Dr. Matt in the next newsletter. I’ll let him introduce himself 🙂

That’s a wrap!

I'm excited to hear your thoughts on how this information is impacting your business. Your feedback means a lot to me, so please don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions or if there are any specific areas you'd like me to focus on in the future. I read every single comment.

If you found this content useful, why not share it with a friend or colleague who could benefit from it too?

See you next Tuesday,
